Yoga Among Friends

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Moving Forward Through the Heart of Gratitude

Happy New Year and welcome the renewal of opportunity for living in this moment of time.

Today, as I reflect on the past year, the blessings have outweighed the struggles that have been presented throughout 2021. As I grieve all the losses, I’m fully aware of all the gifts that have been presented in the challenges of growing. My commitment to our community has only gotten stronger.

I am constantly inspired by the dedication of our amazing teachers at YAF. I have been humbled by the willingness of each teacher to show up, practice, respect, and constantly share their wisdom with enthusiasm and an open heart. They have continued to keep our doors open. Thank you for all you give!

May we move into this new year with a renewed sense for the awakening of humanity to live with integrity for all. And thank you for the loyal commitment of you, our students, who continue to amaze me with the passion to go deeper into the practice of living from this greater place.

With love and light,

Laura Jane