Yoga Among Friends

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"Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu" —May All Beings Be Happy and Free

As we move into July this weekend, we are once again reminded, “What is Freedom?”. This past week we witnessed the strength of a decision that takes away the choice for some women, men, and families to be able to terminate unwanted, unhealthy, and dangerous pregnancies.

The ultimate understanding of what the path of Yoga offers is the freedom of clarity. In other words, it’s the ability to discern from the constant confusion and paralyzing opinions the mind has learned and be fit to move into a higher clarity. Remove the chatter of the emotional story, and in a steady and still mind choose honesty and integrity.

Every human being is gifted with the ability to go inward and listen to a moral compass for one’s self. To have a child is beautiful, and yet to have a child that is not wanted is wrong. To have a child without love is not going to offer our world a better and safer future. To abandon a women’s right to terminate an unwanted or harmful pregnancy is to create a world of self-loathing and rage. Freedom is the ability to make a choice for the highness good for each and every soul.

A clear mind is a balanced mind. When the mind is able to rest in a state of yoga, a higher consciousness arises. This ability to witness is the unfolding of our true nature. All beings are free to live in this honor of choosing the right action that one is fit to live.

Today, I am sitting in the sadness of all the thousands of women wanting children and can’t have them, all the women finding themselves with an unwanted pregnancy, all the families suffering from the hardships of maintaining their health, and the need to feel seen and heard. So many of us are feeling overwhelmed by the uncertainty of our world. Heath affects every aspect of our lifestyles, and we must have the ability to choose the highest good for our individual mental, physical and spiritual health. As a country, we are losing our ability to be seen and heard. We are losing our ability to feel safe and to belong. 

What can we do? We can honor our choice to come inward and listen to our inner voice. We can quiet the outer noise which just feeds our nervous systems with fight or flight symptoms. Our emotional and mental health is our soul’s health. We must come inward and have the courage to move forward with our freedom of the heart to make the highest decisions based on our ability to love ourselves.

As a mother, I want the best for my daughter and for her to live without shame or guilt for being a human being. May all human beings, regardless of race, gender or ideology feel the joy of being able to live their truth. May we all have the freedom to live a life for the highest good of all beings everyone.

”Lokah samastha sukhino bhavantu” 

I choose this July 4th to celebrate the integrity of my inner freedom and to appreciate the gifts we can honor. As a community, we belong to something greater. We respect everyone to feel safe and to be seen and heard. Let’s practice together and celebrate our aliveness to live with this truth.

With love and light,

Laura Jane